Bug Extermination
A bunch of Nathan's friends have unfortunately been mysteriously shrunken down after partying all weekend at his house and now must try their hardest to get Nathan's help in returning them to full size.
In this semi-unaware 12+ minute long video, you view the failed attempts of each of Nathan's friends as they all try to work together to get Nathan's attention while trying to survive on the floor of his room.
Will Nathan end up noticing his friends before it's too late? Or will he inevitably crush each of them with his giant godly feet as he goes about his daily routine in his new white Havaianas.
This product contains plenty of high-res video, some verbal talking from Nathan and plenty of voice acting for each tiny mant. This product also contains copies of the same video, which differ by one having no special sound effects, another with no voice acting and one with no stomping sound effects.